PA ABLE Materials
Share information about PA ABLE accounts with these valuable resources.
PA ABLE Messages
Use approved PA ABLE language on your website, in newsletters, or on social media platforms.
PA ABLE Images & Infographics
Download infographics and images to promote PA ABLE on your social media platforms, websites, and in emails.
Facebook (JPG, 1200x630)
Instagram (JPG, 1080x1080)
Employer/HR Information
HR and benefits professionals can offer PA ABLE to employees at no cost to the employer. Access materials to help you inform your employees about the PA ABLE Savings Program.
On-Demand Webinars
Watch and sign-up for a variety of informational webinars about PA ABLE.
Watch Free WebinarsConnect with Our Team
PA ABLE’s outreach team can speak directly to your organization and the people you serve through:
- Live PA ABLE webinar
- In-person presentation (dependent on staff availability)
- Staff for your conference or event vendor table (dependent on staff availability)